Angela and Vaughan chat with Coffee Couple Brandon and Nicole Wells from Wells Coffee about the drive, passion, and real life challenges in going all in on a startup business. They discuss how their mission to Drink Deeply is more than a brand for a bad-ass business; it’s a way of life.
Listen out for:
- The importance of quality as a foundation for business.
- Business school isn’t the only path for venturing into business – following what feels right.
- The value of mentors – ones you’ve met and the ones you haven’t.
- Balancing business decision making with your partner.
- Making the tough decision to start or expand a business with a family in tow.
- How ‘life balance’ doesn’t look the same for everyone.
- Angel investors and what they are truly investing in.
- The cultural stress of early success may not be all its cracked up to be.
- Utilizing kickstarter to start a business.
- ‘There’s no bad business with good people.’
- The soul of a business is within the people who own it.
- The importance of being a good parent through it all – that’s what the kids will remember.
- Taking it a day at a time when the burden almost feels like it’s too much.
- Identifying when something is missing and the power of therapy!
- Never settling; always be ‘tinkering with the toy.’
- Continuing to grow a vision; even if the timing is not correct.
- The importance of self-development and retrospection.
- SBA loans to grow business.
- Living in the season of your life.
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